Emily + Blake {Wedding} - Natchez, MS

Happy Spring! 

We are almost finished with our busy editing season and will soon move into wedding season again! Our latest wedding we are now able to share with you was set at a venue you may recognize from another film of ours - The Auburn Antebellum Home in Natchez, MS. It was such a pleasure to be part of Emily and Blake's wedding! The groom's reaction as his bride walked up the aisle was priceless. The weather and lighting was perfect during the late afternoon ceremony. The reception was held mainly in the back courtyard, beautifully decorated tables and lights strung across the entire area. Just as the couple was announced by the DJ and entered for their first dance, it started to rain. Ironically, their song was the Adele version of "To Make You Feel My Love" and these are the first lines:

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

They continued to dance in the rain until it picked up and started to really pour. Just when we thought they would have to come inside and finish after the rain passed, the mother of the bride and a bridesmaid came running to the couple's side with umbrellas in hand. They stood in the rain just to hold the umbrellas over the bride and groom so they could finish their first dance - we thought that was so sweet!

The rain eventually cleared out and all of the guests were able to enjoy the dance floor. The bride and bridesmaids also had been practicing all day for a surprise choreographed dance that they later performed at the reception! We are so glad to have been able to film another Natchez wedding!